Tuesday, October 23, 2012


"You're WANTED Beloved"

I'm in college but I hang around many high schoolers. I'm a young life leader at one of the high schools in the City, and I've witnessed so much pain and longing for someone to tell these kids that they are loved. I've seen multiple young ladies look to high school boys to tell them that they are beautiful. Yet this compliment usually comes with a grave price.

Who's there to tell these girls that they are wanted? Who's there to tell YOU that you are seriously Loved beyond humanely possible? 
A lot of us women place who we are into guys, and the world around us. These guys provide for us the "love" that maybe we don't get at home. These guys make us feel wanted, and that we are beautiful. They give us value.

 But I'm here to tell you that you are already wanted by a man. A beautiful man who wants to cradle you into his arms. This Man longs to give you the world, he wants to present to you a prefect life spent with him. He desires to know your likes and your dislikes. He would NEVER hurt you. And perhaps you've heard that before but this Man PROVED his love for you. Did you know that he calls you beloved?
                     Beloved: Dearly loved; a much loved person. Synonyms: sweetheart, darling, favorite,
He knew that the only way to save your life from eminent death, was to be tout urged, beaten, and bloodied on your behalf. He was killed so that you might know him. That you might recognize his immense love for you. Jesus was his name.
Jesus, our savior, was killed so that we could finally be free. He wanted us to know true love. Better than Romeo and Juliet. Better than the Notebook. We now know God.

Your worth comes from JESUS. Jesus is the man you seek. You look for him in guys. You look for him in food. You look for this love in material fleeting things of this world; money, sex, porn, power you name it. YOU WILL NEVER FIND TRUE LOVE IN THESE THINGS. Only through the author of love can you find it.

He wants to intimately know you. To love you. Seriously. Real. No faking. Will you answer his call beloved? Will you let him be your savior?

He's a gentleman. He's patient. When you turn your back on him, when you curse him with your wicked speech, and decide to instead replace him with someone else. Just like you, he feels pain. Hes jealous for you. Hes yearning for YOU. Imagine, Jesus DIED for us, and yet we turn from him and give our love to another. He will WAIT for you, but how long will you spend searching for him in all the wrong places. He's kind, he'll never hurt you, and he wants YOU. All of you. Even those secrets that you thought you could hide from the world. He sees them, and he still wants you. "Lift up your your head beloved, I miss you" he whispers.

We are running from the only person that could love our broken souls, mend our torn hearts. There is God sized hole in your heart, and filling it with things in the world will never fill it. You'll always be lonely. You'll always be vigorously searching. But'll Jesus will be the gentlemen that he is, and he won't force you to love him. But child, he's anxiously awaiting for your return.

. You're wanted. Will you answer the call?

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